6 Ways to Find Time to Write

Being a writer doesn't mean you always find yourself sitting in front of your laptop. It is actually very easy -- and common -- to tell yourself that you can put your writing off until tomorrow and all will be ok. And, it may very well be, but only for the moment. 

Take a moment to consider the effects of your procrastination: Your deadlines are pushed back, your client’s work is delayed, and you are keeping someone on hold from reading your impactful words. 

So, is your laundry/ Netflix binge watching/ cleaning house/ lunch with an old friend/ ____________________ (fill in your poison) worth the outcome?

Life gets busy. Trust me, I understand this all too well. And, when you are working from home and for yourself, it is easy to get pulled in many different directions.

Put your delays and procrastination to an end. Now. Here are 6 ways that you can effectively get your work done AND do what you want to do.

1. Stay organized.

Get yourself a calendar (or a good calendaring app). Then, use it. Plan out your week – or month – in advance.

2. Leave wiggle room.

You should know by now that, in life, nothing ever goes as planned. Something will always throw a wrench into your plans. The only way you will truly be hurt by this is if you are not prepared for it.

3. Take time for yourself.

It is hard to find a few extra minutes to spare each day for yourself. However, if you pack your days so tight that you don’t make time for yourself, you will burn out quickly. Calendar at least 10 minutes each day for yourself to journal, practice breathing techniques, space out, etc.

4. Prioritize.

This is something that you will need to get used to. You may feel overwhelmed when looking at deadlines or filling in your calendar, but as long as you prioritize your tasks – and stick to them – you should be able to relax a bit.

5. Treat it like a real job.

Your friends and family may be jealous of your working from home situation – and for yourself – but they won’t be for long if you don’t treat it like a real job. Otherwise, you may find yourself back in the employment line.

Take your work and your clients seriously. Treat them as you would your own boss, customers, or colleagues. Respect them.

 6. Have fun with it.

You are a writer. You are working on your own doing exactly what you love – what you have always wanted to do. Don’t take the busyness of life so seriously that you forget to have fun and actually enjoy what you are doing.

Well, there you have it – the 6 ways that can help you find time to write. So, go on. You can do it. You can take care of your life and your writing, too.


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