Empower Clients with Your Blog

Ok, so you blog. Good for you. Here is your golden star/pat on the back/ shout out you were seeking. But, what good is your blog if it doesn’t do anything? 
It needs a purpose. You can always write about random things and blab about the latest news events, but unless your readers get something from what you write, they may not be reading for long.
If you have a website with a blog, then you should be writing content that can empower your clients. Teach them. Guide them. And be there for them. Even blogs with the most boring subject matter – say, corkboard manufacturers – can provide helpful, engaging content for their readers. Think: "Brighten your office with these must-have holiday decorations for your corkboard." 
To bait and hook your readers, you will need a blog that:
§  Provides useful, easy-to-read content. Keep it light and something they’d want to read.
§  Makes the readers forget they are reading a blog about your boring product but convince them they need it at the same time.
§  Ends before it gets too tedious or drawn out. Keep it to the point and interesting - then end it.
In other words, give your customers solutions to their problems in a fun, indirect way. Blogs can be posted to your site and then shared via email to those on your list. Sharing through all social media avenues that you utilize is another incredibly useful idea. 
Not only are you keeping your website active, but you are also driving customers to your website. It’s a win-win!
Of course, if all of this just doesn’t enthuse you or seems like it may take up too much of your time, you could always reach out to a content and copywriter who can create written excitement for your business. If you’d like to see how it can be done, contact me today.


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